| Dates and Deadlines | Rules and guidelines | Jury Team | Rating | Donations | Sponsorship | Prizes | Enrollment | Games |
MSXdev is the name the international annual game compo for MSX computers that’s been running since 2003. It’s a platform for MSX computer game developers to showcase their skills. The rules are simple: create an MSX compatible game. Anyone can participate and it is free to enter. Software submitted to MSXdev will be treated as freeware; free to download and free to play software. The games for this competition are usually in ROM format and can be used in any MSX emulator.
MSXdev23 is the 19th edition of this MSX game contest, and celebrates its 20th anniversary with this one.
MSXdev23 runs from February 15 2023 until October 14 2023.
EVENT | FROM | Until |
Start | February 15 2023 | |
Registration period | February 15 2023 | October 14 2023 |
Jury deliberation | February 15 2023 *1 / October 15 2023 | November 14 2023 |
Final results made public | November 2023 |
In this 20th anniversary edition of MSXdev, the MSXdev23 is free-style. That means every MSX related hardware can be supported, as long as enrolled games are an MSX original game. This can be a standard MSX1 generation game, or a super-deluxe-extravaganza high-spec MSX turbo R one. If it runs on MSX, it can be registered to the compo.
No one likes strict rules, we don’t either. But we have to have some kind of frame work to accept game entries. If there’s a rule, it would be in the lines of “you MUST have fun participating”. But, to be clear, here are some things to consider:
- Games run on MSX – duh.
- Games are original; they have never been published before on MSX, and are not copyrighted by anyone else than the creator.
- Clones and remakes of existing games, however, are accepted, provided they adhere to the aforementioned requirements.
- Give credits where credits are due
- After submitting an entry, it cannot be published outside MSXdev during the contest.
- The submitted entry is accepted as the full featured versions. Updates during the contest are only accepted before the deadline.
- The game is considered freeware (during the compo)
- The game is submitted as a .ROM, or a .DSK file. There’s not limit on the size of it.
- Include clear game play instructions by means of a manual, and expected hardware, at least in English.
- The game entry can be played by anyone, either on real MSX hardware or on emulated.
- Make sure to have your game tested, and tested again, before submitting.
The games will be tested and evaluated using the mentioned MSX configuration specs and should work on any compliant machine. If it does, it is accepted for MSXdev. In any case, the MSXdev organization has the rights to reject, or redraw an already accepted, game entry at any time before the official enrollment-deadline.
This year’s jury team consists of Ronald van der Putten, Danilo Danisi, and Robert Vroemisse. You will find more information about the jury at the MSXdev23 Jury new post.
As per rule, members of the jury panel cannot take part in the contest with game entries.
The rating of MSXdev entries is done by a juror panel of MSX experts. There is a maximum of 100 points per entry to be dealt out. The higher the score, the better. There is no public rating available for MSXdev23.
The panel will rate each game on its quality and provides a written motivation of the rating. The score list will be made public and the winner is announced when all games have been judged by the panel. Furthermore, the jurors scoring and motivations will be publicly available as a .PDF file download from the official MSXdev website.
Every entry will be judged on different aspects of the game by the jury panel. Each game-aspect is assigned to one expert-juror. A juror will score two (2) points per game. One on the assigned game-aspect and one on the overall impression of the game. These are separate points to score. A score can be 1-100 points. The total score of a game is the average of all scores (6) from the panel.
The game aspects that are rated separately are:
- Gameplay
- Graphics
- Sound
With a panel of three (3) members, each giving two (2) scores, a game entry is scored 6 times. Each score type is weighted equally. Whereas 1 point is the lowest score, and 100 point the highest, with a minimum of 6 points per game. A judge can only rate using whole integer numbers, so without fractional parts (e.g. half points).
Ties will not be accepted. To prevent those, we instated the resolution of 1-100. Nevertheless, in case of a tie (when multiple entries have an equal amount of scored points), the jury panel is required to vote for the better game. The game with the most votes wins and gets 1/10 extra points awarded. If that leads to another tie, the jurors are again asked to vote. This process continues until there are no more ties.
An eventual tie breaking process is transparently mentioned in the final jury report.
In the end, there are four (4) ranking categories published, namely:
- Best overall game (average of all scores combined)
- Best gameplay
- Best graphics
- Best sound
From these ranking lists, only prizes are available for ranking list 1 (Best overall game). The other ranking lists are for pride and honor.
Remember, your entry gets rated on quality. And that includes external means like packaging and the manual as well. In order to have your creation judged completely, we advise to include means to access every area of the entry. Like cheat-codes, passwords, screenshots, emu save-states, in-game BGM player, sound files, easy/hard level selection and other things you can think of to make it easy for judges to score your entry. We will be discrete with this information, it is for the jury-panel’s eyes only.
We will have a cash prize for the winner with the sum of your donations. If you love the MSXdev contest and want to be part of it by contributing to a prize, this is your opportunity!
Please, when making your donation, be sure to specify the name/nick you want to appear as the donor, or tell us if you want to remain anonymous.
Every contribution, even the smallest amount, will be highly appreciated! 100% of the donations will go to the game developers – Thank you very much for considering to support the contest!
We have received the following donations for MSXdev23:
- € 1,59 by Antonios anyfantakis
- € 25,00 by Bastiaan Verhage
- € 100,00 by Róman van der Meulen
- € 60,00 by Alastair Brown
- € 100,00 by Micha Mulder
- € 100,00 by ChibiAkumas
- € 30,00 by Jose Muiño
- € 5,00 by Sergio Manzano Rios
- € 13,92 by TomitaKenji
- € 50,00 by Arnaud de Klerk / File-Hunter.com
- € 9,16 by Fabio Augusto Carmelita Rodrigues dos Santos
- € 4,50 by Jesus Marí Aguirre
- € 150,00 by VidaExtraRetro
- € 10,00 by Anonymous
- € 6,00 by VAT van Barneveld
- € 20,00 by Conexión MSX
- € 50,00 by Jan Kimpflinger
- € 50,00 by Pål Frogner Hansen
- € 10,00 by Gabriele Budelacci
- € 11,17 by TomitaKenji
- € 5,00 by Juan Conde Luqu
- € 11,14 by TomitaKenji
- € 5,00 by Giancarlo D’Eliseo
- € 0,49 by Chandler Klüser
- € 23,00 by Daniel Simon
- € 8,93 by Andre L B da Silva
- € 20,00 by Bas Tilborghs
- € 5,00 by Pascal Sambol
- € 30,00 by DataPro from msxvillage.fr
- € 5,00 by Sergi Garcia Besora
All amounts are net (ex Paypal fees) Thank you all!
You can also become a sponsor by adding any item to the winners loot box.
Anything goes, from a sticker to a piece of hardware, a gift certificate or a subscription to any service. The following sponsored items have already been confirmed:
- 1x Print book “MSX Technical Data Book” by Eric Boez
- 1x Print book “MSX-DOS Technical Hand Book” by Eric Boez
- 1x Print book “MSX Genesis” (English or French) by Eric Boez
- 1x Emu-FDC by 8bits4ever
- 1x MSX Slot Expander II by Tecnobytes
- 1x RBSC Multi–mapper MSX cartridge 512KB flashROM by MSX Calamar
- 1x Print book of choice from Bitmap Books by Bitmapbooks
- 3x USB stick with MSX logo by The File-Hunter
- 1x Sony HB-F1II MSX2 computer by sdsnatcher73
If you’re interested in initiating a sponsorship, please contact us by e-mail.
The total amount of donated money will be rounded down to the nearest 100 euros and spit into 4, the remainder gets dropped in the winners loot box. The 4-way split is as follows:
- First place (winner): 40%
- Second place: 30%
- Third place: 20%
- Fourth place: 10%
Sponsored items will end up in the loot box where every contestant has a change to dive in and grab an item of choice, starting with the first place winner followed by the next winners.
Participating in this MSXdev contest is easy, just e-mail your final version of the game together with the required information to the MSXdev team. Every entry that complies with the requirements will be approved to enter the contest and gets a chance to shine.
To register your entry, send an email to info@msxdev.org with the following attachments and information:
- Name of the game and its version
- Name of the author, group, or individual(s) involved
- Game genre
- Screenshots and/or other artwork of the game
- A game manual (at least in English) – any format will do
- Full name of the author and contact e-mail address. (provide as much contact information as you like)
- Attach the game in a ROM, or DSK file format (whether zipped or not) and provide carrier type information if possible.
- Any other information or related media that you’d like to share
On entering the contest, a registration conformation e-mail will be returned. The entry will then be examined by the organizing party for compliancy and followed by an another e-mail to either approve or decline the submitted entry. When the entry is compliant, it will be announced and published on the msxdev.org web site. From that moment on, the game is considered “published” and ready for judgement.
If we have any more questions on your submitted entry, we will contact you by e-mail.
Keep in mind that:
- Only the last received version of the game is the one valid for the contest. Updates are accepted during the contest. Updates are posted on the MSXdev.org website.
- State in the instructions or in attached text file the freeware status of any game participating in MSXdev contest. Any freeware license can be used, as long as the full game can be freely obtained by the users.
- During the compo, the game is considered MSXdev exclusive. It is, however, allowed to redistribute or sell the game when the deadline has passed.
- All participants will accept the final results
Remember that all official information about the contest will always be available at the MSXdev.org website. If you have any questions, contact us at info@msxdev.org
* The MSXdev requires a minimum of 9 submitted game entries to commence. When the deadline has passed with less than that, the compo is cancelled.
This year’s entries are:
- #01 “Pentacorn Quest” – by Robosoft
- #02 “Tower of Damnation” – by Marcelo “BigFive” Correia
- #03 “Uchu Yohei” – by FranChesstein
- #04 “Pearl Rain” – by Patrik`s Retro Tech
- #05 “Super Ory 2 – Enigma” – by Orazio Cacciola and Cristiano Polenta
- #06 “Mad House” – by Gamecast Entertainment
- #07 “Martian War” – by Fausto Pracek
- #08 “Flubber in the upside down world” – by Amaury Carvalho
- #09 “The Porpoise Man” – by Jose Soto
- #10 “Defuse” – by Gamecast Entertainment
- #11 “Mine Command” – by Fred Rique
- #12 “Vampire Slayer” – by Seamsoft
- #13 “Bricks” – by MoltSXalats
- #14 “Global Ordnance” – by Fred Rique
- #15 “Eggy’s Maze” – by Jacco Bikker
- #16 “Plastic” – by Z80ASMer
- #17 “Hopper Boy” – by Gamecast Entertainment
- #18 “Attack of the Petscii Robots” – by Robosoft
- #19 “Woods Rat” – by Gamecast Entertainment
- #20 “Farmer’s Yields” – by Rio Yamamura
- #21 “Last Escape” – by Fred Rique
- #22 “The Goblin” – by Hicks & Mananuk
- #23 “Double Rainbow” – by Hakogame
- #24 “Tenebra 2” – by Haplo
- #25 “Crawlers” – by Pixel Phenix
- #26 “Snake and Rhino in the sketchbook” – by ARC8
- #27 “Phenix Corrupta” – by Casper Croes
- #28 “Tetpuz” – by Totta
- #29 “Xelden Ring” – by Brain Games
All listed games are MSXdev exclusives, and not to be published elsewhere during the compo. MSXdev23 runs from February1st until September the 30th. Games are freeware, that means free to download and play. The author remains the owner of the submitted game.
The MSXdev would not be possible if it wasn’t for
- Konamito – for setting up this web-site and doing system administration
- MSXall – for hosting this web-site
- MRC – for the support
- The File-Hunter – for hosting online play
- Donators and sponsors – for the never ending commitment
- MSX game developers – for making this compo for what it is; awesome
- The MSX scene – for all your love and support