- Title: Fantastic Football
- Genre: Sports
- Author: Zoran Majcenić, Daniel Simon
- ROM size: 48KB
- Registered: 20210815
Whichever way one prefers to call it, whether it’s football of soccer – games dealing with this type of sport weren’t released much on MSX, making “Fantastic Football” a welcome addition to the ever growing pile of MSXdev titles.
Prepare yourself for a good match, using skills and determination, as the World Cup awaits you. Fantastic Football is a smooth scrolling, highly interactive soccer simulation game. There are teams, statistics, and two game modes. You can either gain fame in the World Cup match, or have a go at a regular one in the Quick Game mode. With 64 teams playing for the cup, it sure promises for quite the challenge and entertainment.
During the World Cup mode, there is an option to save your current score to Sony HBI-55 SRAM cartridge, if that hardware is present.
Note that game was designed for 50Hz/PAL machines. If the frequency is 60Hz, then gameplay, music,
and sound effects will appear faster than intended.
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