MSXdev21 #14 – Blockbuster

  • Title: Blockbuster
  • Genre: Arcade
  • Author: Robosoft
  • ROM size: 32KB
  • Registered: 20210511

In the game Blockbuster you combine blocks with the same color in groups of 3 or more to score. Surprisingly simple, but oh so addictive.

Control the appearing blocks in the middle columns with either cursor keys or joystick. Use up/down to move the blocks up or down, left/right to swap the blocks and fire to move them to the left and right columns. Combine 3 blocks for 1 point, if you manage to combine 4 blocks, your score adds 20. Empty one column to get 5 points, clear both of’em and get 15.

There are 4 levels, after clearing a number of blocks the level will go up. Every level up will speed up the timer.

If you’re enjoying this MSXdev game, why not consider donating to the price money. 100% of the donations will go to the game developers.

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