MSXdev’18 – 6th entry: Linez

  • Category: MSX Classic
  • Game size / RAM size requirements for the game: 32 KB ROM / 16 KB RAM
  • Game genre: Puzzle
  • Name of the group / individuals involved: Wim Dewijngaert

Linez is a game based on Numberlink logic puzzles. Here, you have to connect faces of the same colours and avoid to make them cross trails with eachother.

Each stage has a time limit. In case of game over, a password is given to you to allow to continue playing later. Those passwords will be needed, as the first 20 levels are kind of easy but things turn more difficult from that point until level 59, the final one. Will be you smart enough to solve all the puzzles?

Releases history



  • Some bugs fixed.

Final version

  • Fixed all outstanding bugs
Download Final version
Final version